Nijhuis Marketing | ‘WATER AND HEALTH’ GUIDE, in favor of Health Promoters mission.
Dear Friends of Health Promotion South Africa Trust (HPSA)
It gives me great pleasure to forward this amazingly positive email, at the request of one of our partners, Nijhuis Industries.
Menno Holterman, CEO of Nijhuis Industries has recently agreed to be part of the last year created HPSA International Advisory Board. (https://www.nijhuisindustries.com/news/ceo-menno-m-holterman–top-25-water-leaders/ )
He will be joined by Kathleen Ferrier (https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kathleen_Ferrier_(politica
Koert Jan de Bruijn ( https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koert-Jan_de_Bruijn ) and Patricia Steur ( https://patriciasteur.com/ )
You will be hearing much more of this powerful team as we move into the second stage of Health Promotion South Africa.
As water and health are due to the covid-19 outbreak more than ever top of mind we decided to prepare a special Nijhuis Industries ‘Water and Health’ guide in which also proudly refer to our cooperation during the AIWW 2019 and our desire to help Health Promotors in different ways including my personal commitment as International Advisory Board Member.
We are proud to announce to you the release of the Nijhuis Industries ‘Water and Health’ guide including a full page of attention to our beloved Health Promotors!
Feel free to click on below link to read the guide and share it with any important stakeholders or the Health Promotor organization:
https://www.nijhuisindustries.com/resources/uploads/bestanden/NEWS/Nijhuis-Industries-Water-and-Health-Guide.pdf. We also have attached the document in pdf.
Feel free to share the ‘Water and Health’ posting on Linkedin:https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6677146128682676224
Looking forward to your reply and I hope to schedule a call soon to exchange ideas how we accelerate the Water4Life initiative in a post covid-19 future!
Best regards, Menno